


Category Archive: FINANCIAL

What are the implications of Russia being kicked out of the SWIFT system?

The expulsion of Russia from SWIFT is seen as an extreme sanction to punish Putin for his military action against Ukraine. Some Western leaders have previously been reluctant to take such action,...

The contribution of finance to human development

Without finance the world is afraid to degenerate to the medieval era of small farming economy, which is absolutely no less important than agriculture and industry. Even the development of the latter...

Is there any difference between buying a car in full and buying a car with a loan?

As people’s living standards improve and car prices gradually approach, there are more and more cars on the road. The convenience of having a car is undeniable. “How to buy a car is more...

Loan to buy a car

A car is not a rare thing. Nowadays, some white-collar workers believe that since they cannot afford a house, they should consider buying a car first. After all, having a car can greatly facilitate...

How to learn financial knowledge systematically?

If you want to learn solid financial knowledge, the first thing is to read more books on finance, followed by finding a field you like to plow deeper, and if you can match it with practice, even...

what is financial currency

Finance is the general term for money circulation and credit activities and the economic activities associated with them. Finance in a broad sense refers to all economic activities related to the...